Donations – 2022

The 2022 show was very successful, resulting in a total donation of £8,500

In addition to the Peter Samuel Charitable Trust (donated via Farley Estates, on whose land the show is held) this years beneficiaries were:

Royal Berkshire Hospital Charity  – £1,000
SSAFA – £1,000
SAFE – £1,000
Growing for all – £1,000
Happy Hedgehogs – £500
Berkshire Search and Rescue Dogs -£500
Heartstart swallowfield -£300

More details on these can be found below:

Royal Berkshire Hospital Charity

At the Royal Berks Charity, they pride themselves on being able to help improve and enhance the experience of patients and staff across their sites. Because of donations, they are able to support new projects in a way that government funding wouldn’t allow. From purchasing the latest cutting-edge equipment to helping them ensure their staff receive the support they need to do the best job possible.


Their support covers both regulars and reserves in the Royal Navy, the Royal Marines, the British Army and the Royal Air Force and their families, including anyone who has completed National Service. They are all entitled to lifelong support from SSAFA, no matter how long they have served.


Founded in winter 2014, SAFE was established in response to a local crisis when 38 horses and ponies were left abandoned in a field in Binfield, Berkshire. SAFE is run by a small group of horse- loving volunteers across Berkshire and Surrey. They give up their time on a regular basis to help horses and ponies who have been abandoned or neglected, keeping them ‘SAFE’ and away from harm. The fundamental objectives of the organisation are the 3 R’s – Rescue, Rehabilitate and Rehome.


Growing4All is a therapeutic garden skills project by the West berkshire Mencap Charity for Adults with Learning Disabilities based at Cottismore Park. The Mulberry Garden provides real work for its trainees with a customer base that is well established, providing such services as spring, summer and autumn bedding plants for sale, hanging baskets made to order and Christmas decorations made to order. growing4all

Happy Hedgehogs

Are a small, self funded, local animal rescue in Yateley on the borders of North Hampshire, West Surrey and South Berkshire. Their work is funded entirely from the kind donations of web-site visitors and friends of the rescue. All hedgehogs are released back into the wild, normally as close to where they were found as possible.

Berkshire Search and Rescue Dogs

Someone is reported missing every 90 seconds in the UK. Berkshire Search and Rescue Dogs is a fully qualified Lowland Rescue team of volunteers on call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to support the police search for, locate and reunite high risk vulnerable missing people with their loved ones.

Heartstart Swallowfield

Provides training on Emergency Life Support (ELS) skills to the people around Reading.

Simply the Best Show in the South of England