Swallowfield Horticultural Society

This Society has been around for a very long time. Unlike many societies it has two roles to fill.

The first is to provide the normal activities of a horticultural society, some of which are carried out in partnership with other local societies. We have a programme of talks organised with the Shinfield society, SAGHA, and held in their Parish Hall on the second Thursday in the month. 

We also run three shows during the year, Spring, Summer and Autumn. These cover horticultural classes matching the seasons but also cookery and art. We refer to the schedule as the Schedule for the Evening Shows and this is available from the end of January each year on this site. It is an ideal way to get some experience for the Big Event.

 For many years we have run ‘Open Gardens around Swallowfield’ for the National Gardens Scheme. Over the years we have helped towards raising the millions of pounds the scheme gives to medical charities each year. This year we are opening twice, on 4th June and the 2nd of July. We look forward to seeing you there.

Our second role and the one which takes up most of our time and energy, is organising the Swallowfield Show which has taken place each August Bank Holiday since 1884. That makes 133 years of providing a family country show for the locals and 133 years of involving friends., neighbours families and basically anyone we can persuade to come and help on the two days. Contact numbers are on the website and each coordinator is more than happy to be contacted with offers of help.



Simply the Best Show in the South of England